Sex Pistols is a punk rock band created in London on 1975. John Lydon is the vocalist, Steve Jones works as guitarist, Paul Cook plays the drummer and Glen Matlock the bass guitar.
Sid Vicius also played the bass in Sex Pistols, replacing Gleen Matlock. Sid died on 1979, by the heroin.
At first, in 1972, Steve Jones, Paul Cook and Wally Nightingale plays on pubs and clubs in Chelsea, London. Here, they met Malcom McLaren, and they asked if he want to be the manager. He say no, because he doesn't like Wally Nightingale. Then, Glen joined the band
Malcom said that if they put off Wally, he will became the manager. Steve, Paul and Glen do it.
Later, John met the band, and the four created Sex Pistols.
The Sex Pistols dissapeared on 1978, in San Franciso, were they did the last concert. They come back again 2002.
John Lydon
He borned in Holloway, London, but some people say that he borned in Ireland.
When the Sex Pistols dessapeared on 1978, in San Francisco, were they did the last concert, Lydon created a new band, called Public Image Limited. For fifteen years, this band of punk was one of the more populars.
In her biografy, called ''No irish, No Blacks, No dogs'', he wrote:
Much has been written about the Sex Pistols. Much of it has either been sensationalism or journalistic psychobabble. The rest has been mere spite. This book is as close to the truth as one can get... This means contradictions and insults have not been edited, and neither have the compliments, if any. I have no time for lies or fantasy, and neither should you. Enjoy or die...
Videos: (Good Save the Queen, Sex Pistols) (Rise, Public Image Limited)